Steroids for Women​

As per a PubMed Study, 41.99% of women use steroids for non-medical reasons. Thus understanding the effects that steroids can have on their physical health is essential for a safe steroid cycle.


Dianabol is a top performance-enhancement drug used by athletes. Being an oral steroid, Dianabol is safer than injectable options. Further, it removes the necessity of visiting a doctor for every dose as well as promising high efficacy even with a low dose.

In men, Dianabol was primarily used to treat hypogonadism and for androgen replacement therapy. Further Dianabol was the medication of choice for performance steroids due to its quick-acting formula that helped boost muscle development and endurance, being effective in a bulking cycle. To add, even women athletes can take Dianabol (Dbol) as performance steroids or as athletic performance enhancement drugs.

What is Dianabol (Dbol)?

Being an oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroid (AAS) with the active component Methandienone, Dianabol is a potent steroid, sought after by athletes and bodybuilders. With an active half-life of 4 – 6 hours, Dianabol gets synthesized quickly in the human body.

The drug facilitates protein synthesis and boosts the absorption of carbohydrates, mimicking the naturally occurring hormone Testosterone. Thus it allows people to take up intense workouts, increase their endurance, and maximize performance.

How Dianabol Works

If you intend to gain muscles in a short timeframe or take up intense training sessions, taking Dianabol is an option to consider. The two most prominent effects of Dianabol in the human body come in the form of nitrogen retention and glycogenolysis. The effects of both can be better understood as follows:

  • Nitrogen Retention

Being the key component of proteins, nitrogen retention leads to increased protein synthesis, which in turn promotes muscle growth. Thus, it aids in bulking up when used for bodybuilding.

  • Glycogenolysis 

This refers to how quickly carbohydrates are broken down and absorbed into the body. By promoting Glycogenolysis, carbohydrates that a person consumes are broken down more efficiently, thus giving an energy boost. This in turn increases stamina.

When both take place, those taking the drug benefit from increased muscle development, bulking up, increased endurance, and a quicker recovery time. 

Dianabol for Women: Potential Benefits and Drawbacks

Among people taking Dianabol (Dbol), the dosage varies from 20 – 50 mg per day. This is determined by doctors based on their physiological needs and the reason for taking the drug. 

Being an Androgenic Anabolic Steroid (AAS), the dosage for Dianabol prescribed to women is usually lower than that of men to account for the effects of androgenization. However, Dianabol is taken by both men and women for both therapeutic purposes as well as bodybuilding and increasing endurance.

When prescribed to and taken by women, Dianabol’s uses and side effects can be better explained below.

Possible Benefits of Dianabol for Women

Being an Anabolic Steroid, taking Dianabol (Dbol) has certain effects like increasing bone density, muscle mass, strength, and endurance while lowering the percentage of body fat. Further, it increases the production of red blood cells in the body. 

However, its most prominent effect is promoting protein synthesis. Thus, the uses of Dianabol and its benefits are oriented towards performance enhancement instead of medical uses.

By taking up a Dianabol cycle, women stand to gain:

  • A defined, muscled physique
  • Better strength and athletic performance

Risks and Dianabol Side Effects in Women

With its androgenic nature, Dianabol leads to an increase in male characteristics among people taking them. When taken by women, they may face virilization and other traits associated with an excess of male hormones.

Dianabol side effects can be better explained below: 

Hormonal Side Effects

Androgenic steroids mimic testosterone, both in the manner in which they perform as well as their effects on physical health. With an increase in the presence of steroids that mimic the male sex hormone, the hormonal side effects of steroids in women are as follows:

  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Deepening of the voice
  • Male patterned baldness
  • Increased growth of body and facial hair

Physical Side Effects

Steroid use can have both short-term and long-term impacts on health affecting our physical system significantly. Some severe side effects of steroids in women include:

  • Acne
  • Weak immune system
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Water retention
  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Body dysmorphia
  • Liver damage

Psychological Side Effects

Excess of testosterone in the system can impact the psychological health of a person. Further, Dianabol can aromatize to estrogen causing an excess of the female sex hormone in the body as well. Thus, those taking Dianabol may face effects caused due to an excess of either/ both hormones. These include:

  • Aggression
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

However, not everyone will face the same side effects. Further, being an oral drug taken in a controlled moderate dosage can keep most women from facing significant side effects. To add, when taking a low dosage of Dianabol (Dbol) the risks of facing side effects are also low.

How to Mitigate Dianabol Side Effects and Drawbacks

When visiting a doctor to get a prescription for Dianabol, it is important to have an in-depth discussion disclosing medical issues faced (if any). This allows the doctor to prescribe a dose that is right for you. 

Further, when taking Dianabol, if you are facing estrogenic side effects like bloating and mood swings, doctors may advise you to take drugs like Tamoxifen or Arimidex that control the estrogen levels. To reduce the risk of liver damage, you may also take dietary supplements that improve your liver health.

In addition, it is essential to undergo a PCT on completion of a steroid cycle.

Dianabol Cycle for Women

Whether you are male or female, the prime criteria that decide a Dianabol cycle are:

  • Physical health
  • Targeted use
  • Medical history

Dianabol Cycle ranges from 20 – 50 mg per day lasting over 4 – 6 weeks. 

Further, Dianabol can be stacked with Testosterone, Deca, Clenbuterol, and Winstrol. However, it is best to avoid steroid stacking if you are a woman undergoing a Dianabol cycle.

Alternatives to Dianabol for Women

Being a steroid of moderate to high risk, many look for alternatives. These can be in the form of alternative steroids for women that are milder in their effects as well as lifestyle changes and dietary changes.

Safer Performance Steroids and Supplements

To reduce the impact of androgenization and side effects, safer alternatives for Dianabol are available. The best steroids for women include:

Taking Winstrol helps gain a lean physique. This is a milder steroid that is highly effective in promoting muscle growth and enhancing athletic performance. 

This is a top choice among women who are looking to achieve a lean physique, muscle mass, and increased strength without any of the effects of masculinization. 

An oral steroid, Primobolan reduces body fat while maintaining muscle mass, helping people achieve a lean, defined look. Further, women are more tolerant to the effects of Primobolan as compared to other drugs.

Natural Alternatives to Dianabol

In case you want to hold off on taking steroids unless necessary or have to stop steroid use due to side effects, you may opt for the below:

  • A consistent and balanced workout regimen
  • Alternating between muscle groups between sessions to reduce excess strain
  • A well-balanced diet plan that covers all the essential food groups


When getting started on a steroid cycle, it is best to be aware of all aspects involved with said steroid use. Be it Dianabol or any other, knowing the side effects are important when you want to benefit from their use.

Be aware of the impacts of steroid use on your health and have a safe steroid cycle with Dianabol.

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